Norwegian killer of 77 People Sentenced to Life Imprisonment, Pleads Insanity

Norwegian killer of 77 People Sentenced to Life Imprisonment, Pleads Insanity

Norwegian killer of 77 People Sentenced to Life Imprisonment, Pleads Insanity

Based on forensic investigation by psychiatric experts, Anders Behring Breivik who killed 77 people in Norway was insane and will most likely be sent to a psychiatric ward, according to prosecutors.

Anders Behring Breivik is responsible for the car bombing on July 22 outside government offices in Oslo, killing eight innocent civilians. Likewise in the island of Utoeya, he disguised himself as a police and killed 69 people, most are teenagers in a summer camp.

Reports concluded that Breivik over time had developed paranoid schizophrenia. If said diagnosis be confirmed by forensic medicine board, Breivik will be sentenced to “compulsory mental health care” for the rest of his life, instead of prison.

Prosecutor Svein Holden likewise stated that Breivik is a kind of person whose thoughts and acts are governed by illusions. Psychiatrists likewise added in their 243-page report that Breivik has grandiose illusions, believing that he determines who is to live and who is to die.

However, Per Sandberg of the anti-immigration Progress Party stated that persons like Breivik should be accountable for his crimes, since Breivik has planned and executed his criminal acts.

The final conclusion rests on the hands of judiciary officials. If Breivik is declared to be criminally insane, he will be sentenced for psychiatric care. If Breivik recovers from his insanity, he will be transferred to prison for being a threat to society.

Posted by on Wednesday November 30 2011, 5:33 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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