Notre Dame And The Importance Of Faith

Notre Dame And The Importance Of Faith
Notre Dame Football’s team is very comfortable with their Catholic roots, and maintains the old traditions even with a crew that is multireligious.
As they prepare to play Alabama this Monday the Fighting Irish will fully display their Catholic heritage. Notre Dame is one of the few Catholic American universities to have a top football team and definitely the most popular so this will show as the pre-game tradition of the prestigious college being televised nationwide.
Since 1920, the Notre Dame Sport teams have attended Mass before each game, where they were blessed by a priest and given a Catholic saint medal. They also had the chance to pray before a shrine that is believed to contain pieces of the cross Jesus was crucified on.
However, Notre Dame has a nonpromotional way of showcasing their catholic roots, a detail that makes players and students of all religions feel comfortable, comfortable enough to even take part in the pre-game Mass, without being a Catholic.
Like Manti Te’o, who is a senior linebacker for Notre Dame and a Mormon who says will attend the pre-game Mass. He adds that he feels that Notre Dame encourages faith, regardless of religious beliefs.
“The emphasis here is that this is a place of faith and it really doesn’t matter what your faith is” said John Heisler spokesman for Notre Dame’s Athletic program and non-Catholic.