Nuclear Test Conducted By North Korea

Nuclear Test Conducted By North Korea

Nuclear Test Conducted By North Korea

A third nuclear test was carried out by North Korea, defying from the United Nations. The test resulted to criticisms from countries around the world including China, its only major ally.

A lighter and smaller device was used in the underground test, the news agency of North Korea revealed. However, the device was supposedly more powerful than previous nuclear devices.

The effects of the test will be discussed in a meeting by the UN Security Council. Two previous nuclear tests were conducted by North Korea in 2006 and in 2009. The reclusive country announced the test last month in response to sanctions imposed by the UN last December.

However, increased activity at the test site of the country has been noted for a number of months prior to the rocket launch.

Monitoring agencies detected seismic activity three hours prior to the test. The confirmation was revealed around three hours after the seismic activity was detected.

The statement indicated that a nuclear test was conducted using a smaller and lighter nuclear device that was more powerful than the devices in previous tests.

The test was supposedly conducted to protect the sovereignty and national security of the country against the hostility of the US.

The test was considered as a violation of UN resolutions by Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General. President Barack Obama called the test a provocative act and pushed for international action against it. On the other hand, China indicated that it was opposed to the test of its ally.

Japan and South Korea assembled their respective national security teams. The nuclear test was considered as a threat to the Korean peninsula’s security by South Korea. Japan also considered the test as a threat to the safety of the nation and it will have an adverse effect to the peace and safety of the international community.

The nuclear test was also condemned by the leaders of Britain and France and called for action from the UN Security Council.

Posted by on Wednesday February 13 2013, 3:49 AM EDT. Ref: BBC. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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