Obama Opposes Gay Marriage, Gay Groups Threatens Not To Vote For Him

Obama Opposes Gay Marriage, Gay Groups Threatens Not To Vote For Him

Obama Opposes Gay Marriage, Gay Groups Threatens Not To Vote For Him

President Barack Obama says he supports civil unions but not civil marriage for same-sex couples, although he has indicated that his views are "evolving." Recall that when he was a state senator, he supported gay marriage.

Some advocates told Yahoo News that Obama deputies endorsing gay marriage is one way to put him in the advantage for re-election.  But, accordingly, in reality, the presidential candidate opposes gay marriage–an uncomfortable fact which could definitely hurt his candidacy and which almost everyone thinks is not a smart political plan.

In his comments on Sunday, Vice President Biden said that he doesn't know whether Obama would support same-sex marriage in a second term. Tough, he said his views changed on the subject after meeting gay families.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan said on MSNBC Monday morning that he also thinks same-sex couples should be legally allowed to marry, joining fellow Cabinet member HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, who has also publicly backed gay marriage.

After Biden and Duncan's comments, gay rights leaders urged Obama to follow the lead of his advisers.

Joe Solmonese, president of the gay rights group the Human Right Campaign, said in a statement on Duncan and Biden's comments that "it's time for Obama to speak out in favor of marriage equality as well" if he want his candidacy see bright future.










Posted by on Wednesday May 09 2012, 2:29 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Nation. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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