Obesity’s Disease Status May Do More Harm Than Good

Obesity’s Disease Status May Do More Harm Than Good

Obesity’s Disease Status May Do More Harm Than Good

A new study suggests that deeming obesity as a disease may actually do more harm than good and make certain people less likely to eat healthy or exercise. The data was gathered from 700 participants who took an online survey.

The participants were asked to read an article regarding healthy eating and weight control and than answer a series of questions afterwords. A part of the 700 participants were given an article that deemed obesity as a disease. Others were given a general health article while the rest read an article about how obesity is not a disease.

The study showed that heavy or obese people that read about obesity being a disease were less concerned about the food they consumed or about exercise when compared to obese people that read the other two articles. The same people that read about obesity being a disease had a higher body satisfaction rate resulting in higher calorie food choices according to other studies performed at the University of Minnesota.

The study came just months after the American Medical Association declared obesity a disease. The researchers aim was to show the negative side-effects of treating obesity as a disease. Researchers also said that greater acceptance for differing body sizes and less stigma for obese people are two of the more positive effects of the AMA decision.

Posted by on Sunday February 02 2014, 7:38 AM EDT. Ref: philly. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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