Oil Storage Market 2017- By Develop Strategies Based on the Latest Regulatory Events


"Global Oil Storage Industry Outlook to 2021 - Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of All Operating and Planned Terminals" is a comprehensive report providing information on storage terminals that store crude oil, petroleum products and chemicals worldwide. Typical information on terminals includes terminal name, operator name, storage capacity and commodity stored for all active and planned terminals. The report also provides capital expenditure outlook by key countries, year on year, from 2017 to 2021. The report also provides key country comparisons within a region and regional comparisons, based on contribution to total storage capacity (regional / global). Planned (new build) terminals capacity addition and existing capacity expansions, as announced by the companies have also been included. Further the report also offers recent developments and latest awarded contracts at regional level.


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- Updated information relating to all active and planned oil storage terminals

- Provides historical data from 2011 to 2016, forecast to 2021

- Capacity information of all oil storage terminals

- Provides operator information for all active and planned oil storage terminals

- Latest developments and contracts related to oil storage terminals


Reasons to buy

- Obtain the most up to date information available on active and planned oil storage terminals globally

- Identify growth segments and opportunities in the industry

- Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong historic and forecast capacity data

- Assess your competitor’s oil storage terminals


Table of Content: Key Points

  1. Table of Contents 1

1.1. List of Tables 11

1.2. List of Figures 25

  1. Introduction 29

2.1. What Is This Report About? 29

2.2. Market Definition 29

  1. Global Oil Storage Industry 30

3.1. Global Oil Storage Industry, Snapshot 30

3.2. Global Oil Storage Industry, Planned Oil Storage Terminals 39

3.3. Global Oil Storage Industry, New Storage Terminals and Capacity Expansions by Country 43

3.4. Global Oil Storage Industry, Regional Comparisons 46

  1. Africa Oil Storage Industry 50

4.1. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Snapshot 50

4.2. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Planned Oil Storage Terminals 59

4.3. Africa Oil Storage Industry, New Storage Terminals and Capacity Expansions by Country 63

4.4. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Country Comparisons 64

4.5. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Nigeria 68

4.6. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Egypt 70



ACCESS REPORT @ https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/1147267-global-oil-storage-industry-outlook-to-2021-capacity-and-capital-expenditure 


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