Old Video Game Collection Sells for $1.2 Million on eBay

Old Video Game Collection Sells  for $1.2 Million on eBay

Old Video Game Collection Sells for $1.2 Million on eBay

A French collector of games just caved in a cool one million Euros (or about $1.23 million) on eBay for what seems to be the most epic game collection ever.

The collection includes full sets for 22 game consoles, or roughly 7,000 games.  It includes every single game for every Sega console, every game released for Nintendo systems ranging from the Famicom to the Gamecube, and even every single game ever released for the lesser-known NEC systems.

This old-school collection belongs to a 32 year-old named Andre, who admitted it took 15 years to complete the absolutely insane task of collecting every Nintendo, Sega, and NEC game.

"I perfected some full sets by getting every title of them factory sealed, just for the challenge of it," he said. "Some titles are extremely hard to come by brand new when they're 25 years old. Now that the mission is complete, maybe it's time to move on."

Also included in the auction is a full set of the notorious Nintendo Virtual Boy as well as a full, complete set of Pioneer's little-known LaserActive machgine.  And most impressive of all is that every single game reportedly comes complete in its proper game box -- with instructions -- or is a brand new, factory-sealed copy.

The big question is, of course, whether or not the winning bidder, who lives in Canada, will actually hand in over the cash, shipping of which alone costs over $1,000.  If not, Andre’s contingency plan is to re-list it on eBay or perhaps hit up some Japanese auction sites, though there's apparently more where this gaming goodness came from.

"What I put on eBay is just a part of my collection," he said. "I still do have thousands of other games that I didn't put there."







Posted by on Tuesday July 10 2012, 8:50 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Finance. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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