Olivia Wilde “Too Old” For “The Wolf of Wall Street” Role

Olivia Wilde revealed recently that she was considered “too old” to play the role of Naomi, the wife of Jordan Belfort, on “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Belfort was played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who is around ten years older than the 32-year-old Hollywood actress.

Wilde said her agent concealed the truth as to why she was rejected. The agent said the actress was “too sophisticated” for the role. While the actress is currently a part of the television series Vinyl of Martin Scorsese, she revealed she was turned down in the past by the director. The actress made the revelation in an interview on the Howard Stern Show.

Australian actress Margot Robbie got the main female role of the 2013 movie. Robbie is 25 years old.

Olivia Wilde “Too Old” For “The Wolf of Wall Street” Role

Olivia Wilde “Too Old” For “The Wolf of Wall Street” Role - image credit: commons.wikimedia.org

Olivia Wilde said the actress who got the role was perfect. She also tweeted that Margot Robbie was ideal for the role and she loved it.

The actress also said she was never turned down for a role because she was too beautiful when Stern asked her. But, she said she was supposedly turned down because she was too sophisticated, which she considered nice and liked the feedback. However, the actress later found out that she did not get the part since they considered her to be old. She said later that the role was for the main female lead of “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

The actress joked that she wants to create a translation sheet for all the feedback Hollywood agents give and what the feedback actually means. Olivia Wilde tweeted her experience indicated that she learned from the experience that they have to believe in the process since she ended up with her dream job on the show, “Vinyl.”

A number of celebrities have given their opinions about ageism and sexism in the movie industry. Helen Mirren said it is an outrageous situation. She said James Bond gets older and older while his girlfriends become younger.



Posted by on Thursday March 17 2016, 10:39 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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