Olivia Wilde Welcomes First Child

Olivia Wilde Welcomes First Child

Olivia Wilde Welcomes First Child

Olivia Wilde recently gave birth last Sunday to her very first child with Jason Sudeikis. The actress announced the news using personal Twitter account. Her tweet indicated that Otis Alexander Sudeikis has already left the building. Wilde also included a picture of her son.

The actress was excited to become a mother even though she joked about her pregnancy on Twitter. Wilde earlier indicated that she should not be allowed to use equipment like an iPhone since baby brain is real. She also enjoyed her nine-month pregnancy and referred to the baby bump as her badge of pride.

The thirty-year-old actress revealed on Lucky magazine that she thought about hiding the baby bump forever. However, in the end Olivia Wilde was excited to show it off to others as her badge of pride. She said it showed that she was a woman and she was making a human being. She added that it also made her feel like a goddess.

The actress also added that her pregnancy allowed her to become a part of a community. She said she felt a certain connection that she never had with other women in the past.

Since the baby was already born, Wilde and her fiancée, Sudeikis, are set to plan their wedding. However, the “Drinking Buddies” actress does not feel like being rushed into the marriage. She revealed that she already feels married. Wilde indicated that she believes in marriage and he thinks of Sudeikis as her husband.

The couple announced that the actress was pregnant last October. Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis started dating in December 2011 with their engagement announced in January 2013.

Posted by on Saturday April 26 2014, 2:50 AM EDT. Ref: US Magazine. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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