Olympics: USA Currently Leads China in Medal Count

Olympics: USA Currently Leads China in Medal Count

Olympics: USA Currently Leads China in Medal Count

USA is an overpowering favorite to end up the Olympics in style. They even surpassed China on the medal table, now being the top.

At the beginning of Thursday’s competition, U.S. got 32 gold medals following China’s 34. But the strength and skills of its team sports and track athletes are about to make a difference.

The spokesman of Betfair, a gambling company, states that, "You can't get a price on the United States. When you look at what they have got coming up, it is all over. It's a shame; it would be like free money."

Other organizations predicts that after the Olympics in London, United States of America will end up going home happily with a total of 97 medals, comprised of 43 gold medals, 26 silver and 28 bronze.

In contrary, China is perceived to take home a total of 90 medals, including 40 gold, 26 silver and 24 bronze medals.

Favorites to settle with gold medal in the Olympic Stadium include triple jumper Christian Taylor and decathlete Ashton Eaton. A silver medal was assured by the women’s soccer team against Japan. The women’s volleyball, water polo and basketball also got gold medals.

Ryan Lochte, the swimming star, said that the spirit in U.S. camp was the main reason why the team got all those medals. He added that the support the whole team gave is a very big thing.

Posted by on Friday August 10 2012, 6:46 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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