Oprah Winfrey Talks About Paula Deen Scandal

Oprah Winfrey Talks About Paula Deen Scandal

Oprah Winfrey Talks About Paula Deen Scandal

Even though Oprah Winfrey hasn't said much until now about the racism scandal involving the celebrity chef Paula Deen she recently opened up and shared her opinion regarding the issue during a recent interview.

The media mogul said that while Deen’s promiscuous use of the N-word was wrong, she was made a symbol and the media might have overexposed the case. She added that lots of people use the word in the wrong context all the time.

Winfrey also talked about her zero tolerance to racism, the exact theme in her latest movie “Lee Daniels’ The Butler”. She said during the interview that she doesn't run in circles that use the term, even lightly and that she considers it a sign of great disrespect to use it as a derogatory term now, considering its history and how it was the last thing heard by slaves as they were hung or as their homes were burned or while they had to endure social injustice.

She also said racism is still an issue as she talked about a recent incident she was involved in while travelling through Switzerland, where a shopkeeper didn't allow the talks show host to look at an expensive bag because he considered that she couldn't afford it.

Oprah Winfrey also said that when Paula Deen is emotionally ready to talk about the incident she is more than welcomed to the OWN network.

Posted by on Wednesday August 07 2013, 4:58 AM EDT. Ref: nydailynews. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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