Pakistani Mother Chops Husband’s Body to Save Daughter

Pakistani Mother Chops Husband's Body to Save Daughter

Pakistani Mother Chops Husband's Body to Save Daughter

After an investigation by police authorities of Karachi, a Pakistani woman was held on suspicion for murdering her husband by cutting him up and tried to cook the chopped pieces.

The woman known as Zainab Bibi, 32 years of age, was arrested in connection with the heinous murder of her husband named Ahmad Abbas last Tuesday, November 22, according to police. Zaheer Ahmed, her 22 year old nephew is likewise accused of assisting Zainab Bibi to stab her husband and carve his body into small pieces.

Authorities also found out during their investigation that Zainab Bibi intended to cook her husband’s body parts for her to properly and easily dispose it without getting caught. However, Bibi’s neighbors detected a foul odor in the neighborhood causing the residents to raise alerts.

ARY News, a domestic satellite channel conversed with Zainab Bibi in the police station where she is kept for custody in the southern city of Karachi. In her interview, Zainab Bibi admitted that he murdered her husband to prevent him from having physical relationship with her daughter. Bibi likewise expressed no regret for her criminal act. As a mother, she purely did what she had to in protecting her daughter

Posted by on Sunday November 27 2011, 8:17 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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