Patrick Stewart Gets Married, Again

Patrick Stewart Gets Married, Again

Patrick Stewart Gets Married, Again

"Star Trek" and "X-Men" star Patrick Stewart who is 73 years old has married his girlfriend Sunny Ozell who is just 35. Ozell is a jazz singer and composer who has been dating the sci-fi superstar for quite some time.

The news was confirmed by Stewart himself who Twitted a photo of himself and his now wife in a more unusual stance. They were both buried in a children’s ball pit with only their heads being visible. He said “Yes, married” in his tweet.

The star’s representative confirmed the wedding and said that it took place sometime this Sunday, without giving out any more details. This marks the 73 year old's third marriage and the one with the biggest age difference.

Stewart who became a real legend after playing Captain Jean-Luc Picard in “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and more recently playing professor Xavier in "X-Men".

The star has two children from his previous marriage to Sheila Falconer which lasted from 1966 until 1990. Stewart was later married in 2000 but had split up in 2003.

Keeping to the unusual fashion of the marriage the wedding was officiated by Stewart's old time friend, Ian McKellen, The two had multiple roles together and most recently starred together in the Broadway play “No Man’s Land”.

Posted by on Tuesday September 10 2013, 4:44 AM EDT. Ref: LA Times. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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