Phil Jackson Has As Of Now Complete Control Over NY Knicks

Phil Jackson Has, As Of Now, Complete Control Over Knicks

Phil Jackson Has, As Of Now, Complete Control Over Knicks

Legendary NBA coach Phil Jackson got his wish and as of now has complete control over the New York Knicks. Jackson managed to get his message across to owner James Dolan that if he is going to move his Los Angeles headquarters to the “Big Apple” he will need complete control.

It seems that the decisive meeting between the two happened in January, and since then, Jackson got through to Knicks owner. Dolan, who admitted he is in no way a basketball expert said the he will “willingly and gratefully” give over all basketball decisions to Jackson.

Jackson has retired from basketball since his last season with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2010-2011. He said the move invigorated him, especially as the team has a legendary energy about it.

The Knicks, who have had a disastrous season falling from the second team in the Eastern Conference last season to an outsider in the play-offs, have a lot of catching up to do with their last conference finals being reached way back in 2000.

Jackson also spoke about his vision and insisted that the team will consist of coaches and players that play with his system, based on the fundamentals of the game and a caring relationship between all players and staff members.

Posted by on Thursday March 20 2014, 4:19 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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