Philippines May Be Hit Twice By Deadly Storm
Typhoon Bopha seems to be veering to the North West part of the Philippines after it wreaked havoc in the Southern part leaving close to 600 people dead and countless more missing.
Officials in the weather bureau raised storm warnings in the North West island of Luzon after news that typhoon Bopha might make another appearance soon after making an unpredicted U turn.
Forecasters also said that the typhoon could also make a loop and stay in the South China Sea, however, it will still be close to the North Western shore, and heavy rains, harsh winds, and even mudslides should be expected.
A second appearance of the storm might stretch rescue efforts too thin as most of the Philippines military, police and other volunteers are concentrated in dealing with the repercussions of the storm in the south after the disaster that hit on Tuesday.
Survivors in the Southern part of the Philippines are still pretty confused and dazed as the severity of the storms starts to sink in. Bodies are being found under tree trunks just about everywhere, and damaged zones as the public market in the town of New Bataan are being converted into make shift funeral parlors.
Close to 400.000 homes have been destroyed by typhoon Bopha in the southern part of the Philippines and immesurable damage has been sustained to farm lands and banana fields.