PNG Ferry Sinks, More than 100 People Missing

PNG Ferry Sinks, More than 100 People Missing

PNG Ferry Sinks, More than 100 People Missing

Research and rescue operations were hampered by the rough seas, strong winds and strong currents for the 100 plus people missing after their ferry had a mishap and sank off the east coast of Papua New Guinea.

Australian rescuers saved more than two hundred people from Papua New Guinea from drowning after their ferryboat sank at sea yesterday, but fears remained by nightfall since more than 100 are still missing.

Officials believe that about 350 people were on board the ferry Rabaul Queen when it sank in the Solomon Sea about 8.30am Melbourne time. It was heading for the Papua New Guinea’s north-coast town of Lae.

Local residents said that there had been concerns about the overcrowding on the ferryboat, which is owned by the brother of the National Maritime Safety Authority chairman in Papua New Guinea.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority, which is working with Papua New Guinea counterparts, directed several aircraft and some commercial ships to search the area. Though there were initial fears that most passengers would drown, an AMSA spokeswoman said that are 238 survivors rescued by the five vessels which were at the area at the time.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard said that the incident regarding the sinking of the MV Rabaul Queen is PNG’s major tragedy. Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd offers PNG all necessary assistance.

Posted by on Saturday February 04 2012, 4:47 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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