Prescription Frames For Google Glass To Be Available Soon

Prescription Frames For Google Glass To Be Available Soon

Prescription Frames For Google Glass To Be Available Soon

High definition prescription frames designed for the Google Glass were initially announced by Rochester Optical last month. However, it appears that the prescription frames may be available in the market soon. These prescription frames will be available in a number of different styles.

Since the wearable tech may be a problem for customers who have less than a 20/20 vision, the company is already working on it. The prescription lenses are set to be launched within two weeks and will have a base price tag of $99.

A statement from the company revealed that Rochester Optical will manufacture sports, fashion and custom prescription lenses designed for Google Glass. It will be among the first wearable technology items manufactured through the high-tech optical laboratory of the company. The items will be available in the market near the start of 2014.

Preorders for the prescription lenses will be accepted by Rochester Optical after the Consumer Electronic Show 2014. The lenses are simply attached into the wearable tech instead of disassembling the entire headpiece of the device.

Although Rochester Optical is producing the prescription lenses for the wearable tech from Google, there is no partnership between the online search giant and the prescription lens manufacturer. A spokesperson from Google revealed that there is no collaboration between Rochester Optics and Google Glass.

However, the internet search company revealed it is currently discussing with VSP Global, a US-based vision benefit provider. The discussions are centered on finding the best method in integrating the wearable tech into casual and prescription glass frames. Google also revealed to the public earlier that it was working on producing prescription frames for the wearable tech for some time already.

In addition to the prescription lens, the company is currently working on different kinds of shields for Google Glass, which may also feature sunglasses.

Posted by on Saturday January 04 2014, 6:11 AM EDT. Ref: CNET. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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