Prince Harry Is Returning From Afghanistan As A Helicopter Pilot

Prince Harry Is Returning From Afghanistan As A Helicopter Pilot

Prince Harry Is Returning From Afghanistan As A Helicopter Pilot

Prince Harry or as he is known in the Air Corps Capt. Wales is coming home from his second deployment to Afghanistan after five months spent there as a helicopter pilot.

In an interview conducted in Afghanistan the young prince said that the main feelings he felt during his five months were boredom, frustration and satisfaction as he did everything from watching movies with the other soldiers to firing missiles at Taliban fighters.

He also said that he rather enjoyed being able to forget “who he was” as in the army he was just another soldier in uniform doing his job.

Prince Harry, or better said Captain Wales, was stationed at Camp Bastion, a British base located in the southern part of Afghanistan, where he flew dozens of missions as a Apache pilot and even fired missiles in some.

His duties involved everything from offering air support to soldiers fighting the Taliban to evacuating wounded soldiers.

Prince Harry was quite clear about his military career ever since he graduated from Sandhurst military academy back in 2006. After his first deployment, in 2008, ended shortly when his location was exposed by the media, Prince Harry has retrained as a helicopter pilot just to be able to come back to Afghanistan and help with the war effort.

Posted by on Wednesday January 23 2013, 3:06 AM EDT. Ref: FOX News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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