Prince Harry: “Royal Life Is No Fairytale”

Prince Harry: "Royal Life Is No Fairytale"

Prince Harry: "Royal Life Is No Fairytale"

Prince Harry of Wales has told a TV interviewer that royal life is no fairytale and sometimes he and Prince William wish they were just normal instead of royals.

Harry spoke to CBS News after a 10-day trip to the Caribbean and South America to represent his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, at Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The successful trip marks Prince Harry's first extended solo tour on behalf of the queen.

As expected, Prince Harry's comment on Wednesday was received with wide attention in the British press when he expressed that it would be difficult for a potential serious girlfriend to put up with his royal role. He even said it would be a challenge to find someone willing to take on the dare.

Asked if royalty lived up to the fairytale, Harry said: "No, not at all. As any girl would ever tell you. It's sort of, 'Oh my God, he's a prince.' But no. The job that it entails - I mean look at me, I'm 27 years old, and not so much searching for someone to fulfill the role, but obviously, you know, finding someone that would be willing to take it on."

Harry said he and William are aware that they were born to great privileges, but these also entail   serious responsibilities.  They hope to use their charitable work to help the less fortunate, he added.

"There's a lot of times that both myself and my brother wish, obviously, that we were just completely normal," he said.

Harry praised the queen and congratulated her on her Jubilee. The younger son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana is currently receiving advanced combat helicopter training.

Posted by on Friday March 16 2012, 2:35 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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