Queen Elizabeth II to Open 2012 Olympics

Queen Elizabeth II to Open 2012 Olympics

Queen Elizabeth II to Open 2012 Olympics

Queen Elizabeth, who celebrates her Diamond Jubilee of her accession as Queen of England this year, would definitely have a busy schedule this summer as she decides to open both the Olympics and Paralympics this summer.

Buckingham Palace announced that the monarch will open both the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics this summer, giving us the hint that both events will be celebrated with a great bang.

Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip, will perform the ceremonial role at the Olympic Stadium when the Olympic Games begin on July 27, and for the Paralympic Games on Aug. 29.

"I think that this is great news for the games," said Tanni Grey Thompson, one of the most successful Paralympic athletes in Britain, in an email.  "I'm sure that it will make it very special for the athletes. It really raises it to another level."

The Queen also opened the 1976 Games in Canada while Prince Philip did the same on her behalf at Melbourne, Australia, in 1956.

The monarch, 85, and Philip, 90, are planning an extensive tour of the United Kingdom during the celebrations, including visits to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. While at home, the celebrations will include a gala concert in front of Buckingham Palace, which highlights Paul McCartney and Elton John, a convoy of floats on the River Thames, and the traditional yet famous carriage procession through the streets of London following a service of thanksgiving.

Posted by on Friday March 02 2012, 3:41 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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