Queen Elizabeth II Will Miss The Commonwealth Summit

Queen Elizabeth II Will Miss The Commonwealth Summit

Queen Elizabeth II Will Miss The Commonwealth Summit

Queen Elizabeth II will miss November’s Commonwealth Heads of Government summit that will take place in Sri Lanka. Representing the Queen will be Prince Charles, in what may be the first in a number of transfer of duties and power from the Queen to her son and heir.

Representatives of Buckingham Palace said that the main reason behind the Queen’s absence, the first absence since 1971 when the summit was first held was because of the effect such a long journey would have on the 87 year old queen.

Most analysts agree that this is one of the first moves that will prompt Prince Charles to take the throne.

The Queen has cancelled other events this year as she was admitted to the hospital with a case of gastroenteritis this March.

Representatives of Buckingham Palace also said that the Queens absence has nothing to do with the recent controversy regarding Sri Lanka’s human rights abuse, an abuse that may cause Canada to boycott the event.

David Cameron, who is going to make the trip after rumors arose that he might join the Canadian boycott , said he will deliver a tough message that the government in Sri Lanka must make more efforts regarding human rights.

This isn't the first year Queen Elizabeth II will miss foreign events, with the younger members of the royal house visiting Commonwealth countries on her behalf last year too.

Posted by on Wednesday May 08 2013, 3:13 AM EDT. Ref: ABC. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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