Rebecca Black Uploads “Saturday” Follow-Up To Her Viral “Friday” Song

Rebecca Black Uploads “Saturday” Follow-Up To Her Viral “Friday” Song

Rebecca Black Uploads “Saturday” Follow-Up To Her Viral “Friday” Song

Rebecca Black released a follow-up to her viral “Friday” video recently. Although the song was became a hit on iTunes, she had to endure numerous nasty comments online.

The song was recorded by Black when she was still thirteen years old, and some people did not consider it bad enough to elicit the kind of abuse it received online. Some of the people who commented may have been envious of Black and settled on posting a nasty comment online.

There may be some people who found the song catchy, but many found fault in the song that made Black an instant online celebrity, albeit in the wrong way. She became the target of the mob in the internet due to the song.

Due to the unwanted attention, Rebecca Black allowed her popularity on the internet to wane. She recently came back over the weekend with a follow-up to the song. The song was entitled “Saturday,” which may not surprise a number of people.

“Saturday” has a similar anthem-like feeling as the first one Black recorded. Some people may even think that the new song mocks the first song that she recorded.

However, the new song is similar to the first one. It may even be possible to mistake it to be made by an American Idol wannabe if nobody knew who performed the song.

After “Saturday” was uploaded into YouTube, a number of people started to give their thoughts about the song. And it appeared that a number of people complimented the young singer. In fact, “Saturday” appeared to receive a good number of thumbs up instead of thumbs down, which may bode well for Rebecca Black.

Posted by on Monday December 09 2013, 3:47 AM EDT. Ref: CNET. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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