Recent Study Proves Pregnancy Chemotherapy is Safe

Recent Study Proves Pregnancy Chemotherapy is Safe

Recent Study Proves Pregnancy Chemotherapy is Safe

Stockholm —A recent study showed chemotherapy does not inflict harm to unborn children among pregnant cancer patients undergoing powerful and intensified chemotherapy treatment as released Tuesday by experts. Scientists and cancer experts have found out that children born to chemotherapy treated mothers were unaffected by the powerful drugs after studying their mental and health development. However, children born prematurely, either by induction or through natural birth, were harmed by the powerful cancer treatment as found out by experts.

The data released also suggests that babies born prematurely will suffer more not because of prenatal chemotherapy from their moms but because of prematurity, stated by Frederic Amant, research lead from Belgium. The findings by the group of scientists and cancer experts as spearheaded by Amant, a Belgian gynecological oncologist, were presented to the EMCC or the European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress based in Stockholm.  Pregnant mothers undergoing chemotherapy will not have to abort their pregnancy or delay any chemotherapy treatment after the 1st trimester as stressed out in the study.

The researchers however, encouraged mothers to avoid inducing early or premature births unless otherwise necessary. In Europe alone, 2,500 to 5,000 pregnant mothers are diagnosed yearly with cancer. Many European moms are traumatized by the belief that chemotherapy treatment or the disease would bring harm to their unborn children.

Posted by on Tuesday September 27 2011, 6:16 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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