Research Report Explores Saubhagya Scheme on Power Demand in India Market Business Report 2017


WiseGuyReports published new report, titled “Saubhagya Scheme on Power Demand in India

Opportunity Tracker for EPC Companies, OEM’s, Package & Component Suppliers under Grid Up gradation, Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Integration Initiative.

It seems that power industry in India is not done yet in gaining all the attention. Since, 2014 the industry has been into limelight, courtesy the initiatives taken by the Indian government. After, quite a good number of schemes, policies & reforms introduced into the sector over the short span of three years, the government still doesn’t seems satisfied as building upon the same continues. After UDAY, Saubhagya scheme is another more talked about fresh addition into the list. But, unlike UDAY which at large was dedicated to the distribution facet of power industry, Saubhagya Scheme is believed to touch the entire value chain catering all the three legs – generation, distribution & transmission . From gencos to power exchanges & traders, transmission utilities to discoms , OEMs to package & component suppliers to EPC players, Saubhagya Scheme opens up a wide opportunity zone for all. To tap this underlying opportunity on pan India as well as regional basis , enincon consulting attempts to come up with a in-depth research study onto the same.

Since, the government plans to pool in an invest to the tune of USD 2.15 Billion till Dec 2018 for electrifying approximately 4 crores of rural households under this scheme, we anticipate significant business case holding up into grid upgrades, renewable-energy integration, rural electrification, and smart metering. Infact, more automation and advanced analytics based solutions for controlling high transmission and distribution losses is the way forward for India’s power sector. These and related opportunities would need annual investment of about USD10 billion by 2020 is what the report broadly talks about . Apart from this, the report deep delves in evaluating state wise business case for the industry stakeholders under the Saubhagya scheme and thereafter




Key Queries Resolved 

What would be the impact of Saubhagya Scheme on Power Demand Rise in India?
How power supply embellishment shall take place in India with Saubhagya Scheme in place ?
What would be the long term impact of India’s adaptability towards power demand response ?
What would be the opportunity tune for independent power producers under Saubhagya Scheme?
What would be the opportunity tune for power transmission utilities under Saubhagya Scheme ?
What would be the opportunity tune for power distribution utilities in rural electrification under Saubhagya Scheme ?
What would be the opportunity tune for power distribution utilities in grid upgradation ?
What would by the opportunity tune for EPC players under Saubhagya Scheme ?
What would be the opportunity tune for OEMs under Saubhagya Scheme ?


Key Highlights: 

Examining different power sale model for generation companies & opportunities there off under Saubhagya Scheme
Analysing region wise impact of Saubhagya Scheme on Power Demand in India
Examining region wise opportunities for the IPPs, CPSUs, SEBs and captive power generation companies under Saubhagya Scheme
Examining region wise business case for renewable power generation companies
Analysing region wise business case for power transmission utilities under Saubhagya Scheme
Region wise track of the rural electrification status in India – Identifying the trends of past five years


Table of Contents 

Executive Summary
Saubhagya Scheme- Introduction & Objectives for India
Saubhagya Scheme impact upon Power Demand in India
Opportunities for IPP’s, CPSU’s, SEB’s and Captive Power Generation Companies under Saubhagya Scheme
Examining different power sale model for Gencos and Opportunity there off
Opportunity for Generation Companies under Renewable Power for Saubhagya Scheme Objectives
Opportunities for Power Transmission Utilities – under Saubhagya Scheme




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Posted by on Monday November 13 2017, 3:00 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Uncategorized. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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