Research Shows Flu Shots Are Less Effective In Men

Research Shows Flu Shots Are Less Effective In Men

Research Shows Flu Shots Are Less Effective In Men

Research shows that flu shots are much more effective in females than in males. A study that had 87 participants, both men and women of varying ages showed that men’s response to flu vaccines are weaker when compared to the immune response of women.

The difference seems to be caused by hormones. The higher the testosterone levels the lower numbers of antibodies produced after being administered the shot. Researchers said that the difference may be caused by evolutionary factors.

In evolutionary terms, males were far more likely to experience traumatic injuries than women so a lowered immune system would make sense as it would protect them from sepsis. Sepsis is an over-response of the immune system that can prove to be fatal in a lot of cases if handled improperly.

While it isn't more than a theory for the moment, the research suggests that there are major differences in the way male and female immune systems function. These differences have not been extensively studied so far, and can prove to be quite extensive. Research in this area can show producers how to create stronger vaccines that better protect each gender from disease, and can prove to be a financial success as it would literally double the number of ordered shots from certain companies.

Posted by on Sunday December 29 2013, 5:20 AM EDT. Ref: bustle. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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