Retailing in Slovakia Market 2017- Design Competition Strategies by Identifying Who-Stands-Where in the Market


WiseGuyReports published new report, titled “Service Station Retailing in Slovakia”  

"Service Station Retailing in Slovakia 2017", a Sector Report by provides an executive-level overview of the Slovakian service station market today, with values and volumes up to 2017. It delivers quantitative and qualitative insight into the fuel market, based on in depth interviews with major fuel operators across Europe and proprietary data from service station retail databases. It provides: National Fuel Volumes and Values. Breakdown of the top five fuel retailers shop, car wash, company owned, motorway and unmanned sites. Company Fuel Volumes, Values and Market Shares. Major competitor analysis by country.

Total fuel consumption in Slovakia decreased by 4.0% in 2016 compared to the previous year. Slovnaft has the largest service station network, at 252 sites, amounting to 36.7% of the national network. The top five fuel retailers in Slovakia accounted for 72.9% of the number of service station shops in the country.




- Total fuel consumption in Slovakia decreased by 4.0% in 2016 compared to the previous year.
- Slovnaft has the largest service station network, at 252 sites, amounting to 36.7% of the national network.
- The top five fuel retailers in Slovakia accounted for 72.9% of the number of service station shops in the country.


Key points to buy

- Identify who are the top five players in Slovakia and how many fuel outlets, motorway & unmanned sites, shops & car wash they have.
- Plan effect market strategies by uncovering market share and average fuel throughput per site of the top five players in the market.
- Understand how the service station network evolving and which players are opening new outlets as well as increasing forecourt shops and car washes.
- Identify what strategies the key players have across their fuel and non- fuel offerings in terms of products sold, branding, promotions, partnerships and suppliers used.


Table of Contents 

Service Station Competitor Overview
Service Station Market Overview
Competitor ranking in 2015 compared to 2016
Market Size - Slovnaft
Market Size - OMV
Market Size - Jurki
Market Size - Shell
Market Size - Tesco
Service Station Shop Network
Service Station Shops - Slovnaft
Service Station Shops - OMV
Service Station Shops - Jurki




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Posted by on Monday November 06 2017, 5:50 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Uncategorized. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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