Robin Thicke Hits Number 1 Album On Billboard

Robin Thicke Hits Number 1 Album On Billboard

Robin Thicke Hits Number 1 Album On Billboard

Nearly a decade after his debut album came out, Robin Thicke managed to hit his first number one position on the Billboard chart with his latest release called “Blurred Lines”.

His sixth studio album, “Blurred Lines” tops the Billboard 200 list with an impressive 177,000 sold copies. Thicke also tops the Billboard 100 with the title track from his record selling album.

This is the artists biggest success, one that surpassed his 2008 effort when “Something Else” hit the Billboard chart at number 3 with 137,000 copies sold.

Thicke’s first album was entitled “A Beautiful World” and was released in 2003. It didn't get very high on the list reaching just the number 152.

Another great performer as far as sales go was the rock band Five Finger Death Punch who got the number two Billboard spot with 112,000 units sold. Their album is entitled “The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell: Volume 1” and it marks their best week since 2011’s “American Capitalist” who started off with 90,000 units sold in the first week reaching number 3 on the chart.

All album sales including Robin Thicke’s number one for the past week are rounded to about 5.1 million units, a 9 percent increase from last week but a 3 percent decrese from the same period in 2012.

Posted by on Thursday August 08 2013, 7:01 AM EDT. Ref: billboard. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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