Russia Support New Iranian Leader On Nuclear Issue

Russia Support New Iranian Leader On Nuclear Issue

Russia Support New Iranian Leader On Nuclear Issue

The Russian government is publicly supporting the new Iranian President in his call for an urgent new round of negotiation regarding Teheran’s nuclear program.

Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s new president, talked in his first news conference about the importance of clear and serious talks regarding his country’s nuclear program. His words were praised by Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign minister who also criticized the U.S. recent sanction of Iran because of its nuclear program.

Lavrov added that ultimatums and sanctions aren't the way to resolving the issue but rather, respectful relations with a partner country and a three plus three delegation. The three plus three refers to three E.U. countries like France, Germany, and England plus China, Russia and the United States.

Iran’s position has changed very little since the whole issue started as it continuously affirms that its enrichment program is used strictly for peaceful purposes like the country’s energetic needs and poses no danger to the United States or its western allies.

Hassan Rouhani added in his public address that the Iranian government is ready for talks that take into consideration the international community’s issues with the program but that he will not negotiate under threat of economic or military sanctions nor will he give up his country’s right to harness nuclear energy.

Posted by on Thursday August 08 2013, 7:04 AM EDT. Ref: ngrguardiannews. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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