Salmonella found in parsley and cilantro spurs recall


Salmonella found in parsley and cilantro

Traces of salmonella detected in cilantro and parsley samples in Michigan and Canada prompted a Texas-based supplier to issue a "precautionary, voluntary recall" on Monday. J&D Produce, Inc. said in a statement that their parsley and cilantro packs were processed from November 30 to December 6 and shipped as Little Bear-branded produce. It said that 2,498 cases of parsley and 4,411 cases of cilantro were distributed in Quebec and Ontario in Canada as well as to several U.S. states. The Edinburg, Texas-based company said that consumers can ask retailers for a full refund. the company added that there have been no reports of people falling ill from eating the contaminated produce.

Coinciding with the recall of cilantro and parsley, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday identified a source of the recent salmonella outbreak that has so far sickened 89 people across 15 states and the D.C. area. The tainted alfalfa sprouts in products sold by Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches outlets were identified by the FDA to have come from Tiny Greens Organic Farm which is located in Urbana, Illinois. The sprouts were also sold in groceries, markets and restaurants. Tiny Greens Organic Farms also processes broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, radish, onion and other vegetables according to its website. There were no reports of salmonella on items other than the company's alfalfa sprouts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said last week that about 23 percent of those who fell ill were hospitalized but no one has died since the salmonella outbreak began.

Posted by on Tuesday December 28 2010, 3:01 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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