Scott Disick Loses Father Two Months After Losing His Mother

Scott Disick Loses Father Two Months After Losing His Mother

Scott Disick Loses Father Two Months After Losing His Mother

Scott Disick, Kourtney Kardashian’s partner troubles seem to be endless as his father passed away just two months after his mother died. According to certain media outlets, Scott Disick’s father passed away this Monday. Scott Disick shares two children with reality TV star Kourtney Kardashian.

Jeffrey Disick, a former real estate developer who also appeared on and off on “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” died last week of yet unclear causes.

The bad news comes just three months after Bonnie Disick, Scott’s mother, passed away at the age of 63 years of age. Jeffrey Disick was the same age when he passed away last week.

Scott Disick dated Kourtney Kardashian in 2007 after coming to Los Angeles from Long Island, New York. Both Bonnie and Jeffrey appeared on a hit episode of “Kourtney & Kim Take New York” when the then happy couple took their son Mason to his grandparents.

Sources said that Jeffrey and Bonnie weren't quite comfortable with their new relatives, appearing like “a fish out of water” in the whole celebrity scene. Jeffrey Disick also appeared in the news back in 2012 when he actually pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor after stealing money from a bank close to his residence.

After restituting $6500, Jeffrey managed to get away with only 140 hours  of community service.

Posted by on Tuesday January 07 2014, 1:58 AM EDT. Ref: Independent. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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