Seth MacFarlane Says He Might Not Be Right For Oscars

Seth MacFarlane Says He Might Not Be Right For Oscars
Seth MacFarlane, the man behind huge shows like cult classic Family Guy, American Dad, the Cleveland Show, and also behind one of last summer’s biggest box office hits “Ted” says that his offensive sometimes extreme style of comedy and the Oscars might not be the perfect match.
He said this jokingly of course but after the ruckus caused by Ricky Gervais’ type of humor during his time as host of the Golden Globes, MacFarlane might be right.
Even more, people expecting a shocking show got just that as his appearance at the announcement of the Oscar nominees in January left people uncomfortable after a Hitler joke, and remarks that directors and screenwriters are lazy.
While the Seth MacFarlane hosted show is guaranteed to rake in a huge audience and even keep them glued to their TV’s in what is considered a sometimes too lengthy ceremony, MacFarlane can also suffer if he offends too many Hollywood players just at a time when he seems to be making the jump from TV to movies.
However, with his brand of humor generating success like it did with Ted who earned more than half a billion dollars worldwide it’s hard to believe that Seth MacFarlane can really have anything to lose.