Sienna Miller offered 100,000 pounds to settle News Corp. spat


Sienna Miller

Sienna Miller offered 100,000 pounds to settle News Corp. spat

Sienna Miller, the English star of films such as Layer Cake and GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, was reportedly given an offer worth 100,000 pounds ($163,000) by News Corp. to settle a mobile phone hacking suit.

The 29-year-old Sienna Miller is only one of about 20 celebrities and politicians who have filed lawsuits against Rupert Murdoch's media empire because of phone hacking allegations.

Last week,  the company issued an apology and decided to settle the matter after two journalists at the News of the World newspaper were arrested.

News International attorney Michael Silverleaf said today that the court should throw out the suit filed by Sienna Miller because "civil litigation does not exist for people to vent their feelings in public" while noting that the court is very unlikely to order the company to pay Miller such a high amount.

Sienna Miller is said to be mulling over the offer according to her attorney Hugh Tomlinson. She has 12 days left to decide under the conditions set by News International.

The company has also extended offers to former government minister Tessa Jowell and sports agent Sky Andrew while settlement plans are being readied for actress Leslie Ash, football player Paul Gascoigne, jockey Fallon and six others.

Police investigators are still going over notes and records of the two men arrested for hacking into mobile phones of members of the royal household.

The lawsuits filed by Sienna Miller and others have sparked an outcry from the general public about the security and privacy of their mobile phone records.


Posted by on Monday April 18 2011, 7:49 AM EDT. Ref: Bloomberg. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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