Signs That You Need To Consider Dentures For Yourself


Signs That You Need To Consider Dentures For Yourself

Signs That You Need To Consider Dentures For Yourself

Most people would never dream of getting dentures for themselves. They have always been viewed in a negative light and been associated with bad oral health, old age and a lack of confidence. However, dentures are a great way to become a more confident individual, helping the way your teeth look and the way you chew your food.

While you may have taken excellent care of your teeth, there still might be a possibility that you need dentures. Visiting your family dentist will help you identify the signs early which might save you from resorting to dentures. However, if you have not followed the standard six month rule for visiting dentists, chances are you might be in for a shock.

Unhealthy gums

If you find that your gums are red, swollen and constantly bleeding after brushing, you have the classic signs of gingivitis and gum inflammation. If left untreated, this can be extremely painful and could even lead to teeth loss and eventually dentures. Your dentist can help you in the early stages by simply conducting a teeth cleaning procedure and advising you about better oral care at home.

Unhealthy gums also lead to gaps opening up between your teeth or shift the position of certain teeth. This creates space for your teeth to move which can eventually cause teeth loss. Taking care of your gums with a high standard of oral hygiene is essential to help you avoid resorting to dentures.

Missing teeth

If you are already missing a couple of teeth, chances are you might need to seek some form of prosthesis. The pressure exerted on the remaining teeth is sometimes too great for them to handle, which could eventually lead to more missing teeth. Some people think that if they have all their front teeth intact, that’s all that matters. The fact of the matter is that there are fewer teeth chewing and doing all the work, which will wear them out faster. This domino effect will wear down the existing teeth and definitely lead to dentures in the long run.

Having trouble with eating certain kinds of food due to weak or missing teeth is also something that must be rectified as soon as possible. Some people find it hard to bite in to hard food such as a pizza due to a lack of strength in the teeth. Visit your dentist to get advice on how to help strengthen your teeth or whether you need to go in for dentures. With the high standard of prosthesis in the market, no one will be able to tell the difference between your real teeth and dentures anyway!

Posted by on Tuesday March 11 2014, 5:07 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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