Simon Cowell Might Soon Be A Father

Simon Cowell Might Soon Be A Father

Simon Cowell Might Soon Be A Father

The eccentric British judge and music entrepreneur is rumored to be preparing for a new job, that of diaper changer. The 52 year old millionaire is rumored to be expecting a child with Lauren Silverman, a famous New York socialite.

All allegations are still rumors and have yet to be confirmed by his representatives or those of Fox.

Silverman who is 36 years old is rumored to be 10 weeks pregnant. She is also married to Andrew Silverman, a real estate mogul with business all across New York.

Rumors of the infidelity are backed up by the fact that the two have expressed their lack of fondness while it has also been rumored that a divorce might soon be a solution.

The possibility of Simon Cowell becoming a father is as unexpected for the Fox judge as for his fans. He is well known for not being able to commit to any type of relationship and has said in numerous interviews that he is not father material.

Even if lately his rhetoric has mellowed, Simon Cowell still considers that it is to late have a child at 52, especially as he has concentrated his life on work and simply won’t be able to commit the hours necessary to raise a child.

Posted by on Saturday August 03 2013, 6:06 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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