Skin cancer Prevented by Coffee

Skin cancer Prevented by Coffee

Skin cancer Prevented by Coffee

A report was released Monday during a major medical conference in the United States suggesting coffee to have a positive effect against skin cancer. For most female coffee drinkers, there are multiple scientific evidences about coffee’s good effects on skin cancer’s most common form worldwide.

The report indicated that women who drink more than 3 cups of caffeinated coffee per day have 20% lower risk of developing a certain form of skin cancer, the basal cell carcinoma (BCG), as compared to those who drink lesser.  On the other hand, men who drink the same amount of caffeinated coffee per day decreased their risk by about 9%, according to the research.

The recent medical study was presented Monday in a Cancer Research Int’l Conference held in Boston.  Fengju Song, part of the research team, said it is alarming to know that each year there are about 1 million people who are diagnosed with BCC in the United States alone. Considering our daily dietary intake can make a difference, she added.

Although excessive drinking of caffeinated coffee helps prevent basal cell carcinoma (BCG), it was not beneficial to the 2 other prevalent skin cancer types such as melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma. According to the American Cancer Society, 75% of all skin cancer cases in the United States are basal cell carcinomas (BCG).

Posted by on Wednesday October 26 2011, 4:09 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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