Solar Impulse is first solar-powered plane

Solar Impulse is first solar-powered plane

Solar Impulse is first solar-powered plane

Bertrand Piccard of Brooklyn, New York has applied his and his family’s brilliance and pioneering spirit to develop a one-of-a-kind invention, the Solar Impulse. The Solar Impulse is a solar power long-range glider that has an unlimited form of renewable energy, with technological features safe to the environment.

Piccard believes that there other means and ways that can protect the environment, create more jobs and provide economic development. His invention took its first flight completing a daylight cycle last July, making the Solar Impulse as the pioneer solar-powered airplane.

Solar Impulse aims to carry multiple passengers. However, according to Andre Borschberg who works with Piccard since 2003, he stated that it would take more time and development before the Solar Impulse can accommodate multiple passengers.

The Solar Impulse has a 200-foot wingspan and weighs less than 4000 pounds equivalent to a mid-sized car. It is designed to conserve energy. Further, this remarkable invention uses the same amount of energy with that of their 1903 Wright brother’s flying machine. The Solar Impulse has four motors that contain polymer lithium batteries and its heat management system is built to conserve heat at high altitudes.


Posted by on Friday December 02 2011, 5:22 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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