Space Shuttle Atlantis ends 30 year space program

Space Shuttle Atlantis ends 30 year space program

Atlantis landed early predawn Thursday after a 30 year mission in space with NASA able to send successful space missions with hundreds of astronauts in space. The space shuttle landed smoothly around 5.57am.

It was very memorable to the four U.S. astronauts who were the last to work with Atlantis before its eventual landing back here on Earth. Atlantis made the world explored the universe and gives us the chance to see how expansive the outer space is. NASA promised not to stop innovating and exploring and that there are more exciting updates to come.

The space shuttle’s eventual landing means that the United States could no longer send astronauts in space making Russia the only country with the ability of sending humans in outer space. This is history in the making for the United States as this will be the first time for the country in many decades with no option of sending astronauts in space.

The end of Atlantis’ mission however will mark the start of new and more space missions in the future as promised by its mission specialist, Rex Walheim. Atlantis started its descend last July 8 before its arrival Thursday. To date, NASA was able to send 135 successful missions in the outer space.


Posted by on Saturday July 23 2011, 11:13 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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