Start Up Firms Can Beat the Bigger Competition

Start Up Firms Can Beat the Bigger Competition

Start Up Firms Can Beat the Bigger Competition

This article is centered on the problems start up firms face when they enter a market where there are huge and well established organizations as competitors. A major problem these small businesses face is advertising, as the financial capital required is high. For this reason social media marketing is on the rise. Here we discuss how you may differentiate your small firm and make a mark in the competitive environment using social media marketing strategy.

Build a Flexible Strategy

The problem with business strategy is that changing times and consumer sentiments demand a change in strategy as well. These changes are continuous, so it is advisable to use social media and networking platforms to follow the trends. If you have an aggressive strategy for example, such as low pricing, it is important to explain the product in detail through content marketing or social media marketing. People may get the idea that a cheap product is also of lesser quality. Use online platforms to advertise in a different way, like huge discounts rather than giveaway prices.

Do Not Use Social Media For Making Sales

Many companies, even big ones, make the mistake of using social media platforms as tools to make sales. Remember that you may rise above the competition by engaging your potential customer by displaying special features of your product or service rather than trying to sell it to them. Use the Internet as a medium to promote your business. You will find that people will start to come to your site to make purchases rather than having to hunt for consumers and creating awareness while trying to make a sale.

Promotion Should be Short and Concise

Today you find billions of pages of information on the web which share information about a product. This information overload can be quite a pain for someone who is simply using the Internet to search for a product or service they want to buy. Companies take advantage of SEO and try to sell products through social media platforms.

Instead, you may use this to your advantage and produce an exclusive page where there are details put across in a concise manner. Always focus on quality over quantity. While your larger competitors may succeed in having more sites and blogs about their products, you will have the advantage of providing exactly what your buyer needs, and nothing extra.

Promote Your Products and Not Yourself

While you may wish to build your company’s name, especially since it is new to the market, it is vital to remember that if people find your products and services attractive, your firm’s name will be automatically built. Bigger brands have the advantage of having already created a brand image in the market. Using that identity, they are able to promote themselves. As a start up, it may be better to avoid self-promotion on social media marketing sites. Promote only what you are selling and your brand identity will be made by your consumers.

Posted by on Saturday December 28 2013, 4:27 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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