Steve Martin Apologizes For Racist Tweets

Steve Martin Apologizes For Racist Tweets

Steve Martin Apologizes For Racist Tweets

Steve Martin apologized for what he himself admitted was an unfortunate tweet. The comedian said that back in the day he would test his jokes in front of live audiences and adjust them based on their feedback. “The process is faster” he found as millions of Twitter followers expressed distaste for what they considered to be a racist joke.

The whole ordeal started when Martin asked his followers to send him grammar questions this last Friday. When he was asked “Is this how you spell Iasonia?” Martin replied “It depends. Are you in an African-American neighborhood or at an Italian restaurant.”

He responded to the negative response by apologizing. He said via Twitter “To those who were offended, again, I offer a deep, sincere, and humble apology without reservation,”

He added that besides apologizing for the tweet he would like his fans to understand the context and origin of the joke.

He said that he recognized the name Lasonia, a name he did not make up or find funny. So his joke was the confusion between the name Lasonia or the lasagna, depending on what the user who posted the question meant.

Martin said that he deleted the tweet when he saw people perceived the joke as an attack on African-American names.

Posted by on Thursday December 26 2013, 4:35 AM EDT. Ref: rttnews. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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