Stevie Nicks Considers Reese Witherspoon Too Old For Her Biopic

Stevie Nicks Considers Reese Witherspoon Too Old For Her Biopic

Stevie Nicks Considers Reese Witherspoon Too Old For Her Biopic

Reese Witherspoon is considered too old by Stevie Nicks, which is the reason why the former front woman for Fleetwood Mac does not want the actress to play her in a movie about the early part of her life.

Nicks also said that she already told the actress about it and Witherspoon was fine with it. The actress also agreed with the assessment of the singer. Nicks said that she admires the actress, and the actress supposedly said that she can play the role of her mother.

Stevie Nicks also did not want Lindsay Lohan to take the role in the biopic. The veteran rock star was adamant in not giving her approval for Lohan to take the role in the movie.

Witherspoon would have been a better choice since she was able to portray June Carter in “Walk the Line,” the biopic of Johnny Cash. She also won an Oscar for the role in the movie, where she was able to show her vocal prowess. A duet on the new album of Michael Buble also added to the singing talent of the actress.

Initially, Nicks did not want the biopic to be shown in public. She said that she initially assumed that only a small number of viewers will see and will like it before it will be placed in a library. The scheduled start of the filming and the release date of the biopic are not yet final since the concept of the movie itself is still being finalized.

For the moment, Stevie Nicks is busy promoting a documentary that narrates how she made is currently making her first solo album after a decade.

Posted by on Saturday April 20 2013, 4:17 AM EDT. Ref: NY Daily News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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