Study Hints At Link Between Child Stress To Heart Disease Risk

Study Hints At Link Between Child Stress To Heart Disease Risk

Study Hints At Link Between Child Stress To Heart Disease Risk

Research has hinted children who are exposed to emotional stress at seven years old may have a bigger risk of contracting heart disease later on in life. On the other hand, risks will be reduced if children of the same age are not exposed to distress.

However, researchers have indicated that more studies are necessary to have a better understanding of the connection between emotional stress and heart disease.

Three hundred seventy-seven participated in the study when they were children. Tests were conducted on the participants when they were children to evaluate their emotional behavior. The results showed that correlation to their emotional state as children and their risk score for heart disease when they reached the age of forty.

With all the factors that may result to heart disease were considered, it showed a 31 percent increased in the risk among middle-aged women.

On the other hand, men had a 17 percent risk of contracting heart disease if they were emotionally distressed during their childhood. The risk of a stroke or heart attack in the next decade increased to 4.2 percent from 3.2 percent among women while men saw the risk increase to 8.5 percent from 7.3 percent.

A better emotional state also showed lesser risk of heart disease although the difference was small. Childhood adversity was also linked to cardiovascular issues among adults as indicated in other studies.

However, Dr. Allison Appleton, the leader of the study, indicated that additional research is necessary to support the link between childhood stress and the risk of heart disease as adults.

A British Heart Foundation senior nurse, Maureen Talbot, revealed that the health of a child may influence their wellbeing when they become adults.

But she said that additional studies are required to be able to conclude that childhood emotional health is linked to the risk of heart disease in the future.

Parents can take steps to safeguard the future health of their children by teaching them about the importance of a balanced diet and physical activities to minimize the risk of heart disease when they become adults.

Posted by on Sunday February 03 2013, 4:35 AM EDT. Ref: BBC. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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