Study On Marijuana Shows Users To Be Thinner

Study On Marijuana Shows Users To Be Thinner

Study On Marijuana Shows Users To Be Thinner

A new study on marijuana may hold the key to the Obesity problem in the United States.

The results of the study conducted by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the Harvard School of Public Health and The University of Nebraska show that marijuana smokers have a smaller waist compared to those who never smoked marijuana.

The study was conducted on 4,600 adults. From the total amount, 12 percent said they consume marijuana regularly while 42 percent said they had smoked marijuana in the past.

The 4,600 adults were tested to determine their waist size, blood sugar, insulin levels, and cholesterol among other variables.

The study also showed that insulin levels for people that smoked pot were down 16 percent while insulin resistance was down 17 percent. Smokers also registered higher levels of “good” cholesterol.

The 42 percent that hasn't smoked in a period of at least 30 days showed good results for the same variables but in a lesser degree.

Support regarding the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana has grown especially in the last years. Polls show that 52 percent of Americans are for legalizing marijuana being in the majority for the first time since the drug was made illegal.

The study on marijuana isn't the only thing that may change the drug’s perception as politicians have also had a change of heart in the past years with increases in both the Democratic and Republican parties regarding the legalization of the drug.

Posted by on Sunday May 19 2013, 9:06 AM EDT. Ref: MSNBC. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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