Study Shows Cancer May Come Randomly

Study Shows Cancer May Come Randomly

Study Shows Cancer May Come Randomly

A recent study performed by John Hopkins University suggested that cancer, in the vast majority of cases isn’t the result of genetics or life and environmental factors, but rather a stroke of bad luck. The results have left many surprised while the medical community has raised some questions in regards to the methodology and results of the study.

The results of the study showed that 65 percent of all cancers found in adults are the result of a random mutation not factors such as lifestyle, habits, weight or genetics. Researchers compared this so called “bad luck” to losing money at a slot machine or getting a bad roll of the dice.

While the study would apparently turn popular knowledge of cancer prevention like eating a balanced diet, exercising, not smoking and drinking moderately on its head the truth is that these habits can still help reduce your chances of getting cancer. They basically are the main line of defense when it comes to preventing serious cancers that are passed on genetically.

Most scientists including those who participated in the study say that cancer is generally caused by a combination of factors that take into account bad luck, genetics, lifestyle and other conditions. Researchers do not deny the importance of taking preventative measures and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Posted by on Thursday January 08 2015, 3:20 AM EDT. Ref: viralglobalnews. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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