“Suge” Knight Facing Wrongful Death Lawsuit

As Marion “Suge” Knight waits for the start of his trial for murder charges, a wrongful death lawsuit was filed by the widow of the man he supposedly killed. Aside from Knight, the other respondents in the lawsuit are Cle “Bone” Sloan, Ice Cube, Dr. Dre and Universal Pictures.

Terry Carter died after he was allegedly hit by the truck of “Suge” Knight at the parking lot of the Compton, California branch of Tam’s Burgers. Knight was supposedly trying to hit Sloan. Lillian Carter claimed the incident could have been prevented.

The lawsuit claimed that a dangerous situation was created by Universal Pictures along with Ice Cube and Dr. Dre as they tried to create an impression of authenticity on the set of “Straight Outta Compton.” The situation resulted to the death of Carter. The lawsuit added that the NWA biopic was filmed in locations identified to be places where violent gang activity happens. It also indicated that there were no armed guards to prevent incidents on the set, while known gang members were used as actors and extras for the movie.

“Suge” Knight Facing Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Suge Knight Faces Lawsuit - image credit: cbsnews.com

The lawsuit indicated that the incident was caused by reckless corporate greed using the guise of the quest for authenticity. Aside from Lillian, Terry also leaves behind two daughters.

The lawsuit further claimed that the longstanding tension between “Suge” Knight and a number of NWA members, who were a part of the movie, angered Knight. Knight was concerned about how he will be portrayed in the movie. When Knight went to the set of movie, Sloan asked him to leave.

The suit added that Carter agreed to meet Knight at Tam’s Burger to alleviate the tension in the set. But, Sloan showed up at the restaurant that later lead to an altercation. Knight was attempting to hit Sloan with his vehicle when Carter was hit and killed. The lawsuit is asking for unspecified an unspecified amount for the death of Carter. The damages claimed also include funeral costs, loss of income-earning capability, court costs and punitive damages.

“Suge” Knight collapsed while in court last March after an LA court judge set the bail for his temporary release at $25 million.

Posted by on Thursday June 04 2015, 9:14 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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