Team Aims To Replace Balls With Zyro

A team composed of engineers, rugby players and drone enthusiasts are aiming at creating a game centered on Zyro, a Frisbee-style drone that can be used as a replacement for balls while playing in the park.

The quadcopter drone, which is designed to be used for sports and games, is the focus of a new Kickstarter campaign aimed at raising $50,000 worth of funding. The main objective of the startup is to replace Frisbees, hockey pucks, tennis balls and soccer balls in sports and multiplayer games with the specially-designed drone.

The drone features a protective shell that ensures the safety of the players. For the moment, the project is only aimed at the North American market, but it is also possible for the device to become the next big thing when it comes to sports and games.

Team Aims To Replace Balls With Zyro

Zyro Games - Image Credit: Kickstarter

The Zyro drone can be moved in two ways when playing. A handheld wand can be pointed at the direction where the player wants the drone to go to, which is similar to the action of throwing baseballs or swinging tennis rackets. The specially-designed drone can also be controlled using the remote of another drone. With this in mind, it may be possible to play a soccer game where a drone hits a ball around.

The mobile application for the drone can be used by players in selecting the games they can play. It can also set a virtual playing field where the game can be played. The drone can also be set to fly between zero and twenty-five feet up in the air while the field can be as small as seven-by-seven feet to the size of a football field. Since only eight players can play in any single game, it may not be easy when the game is played in larger areas.

Team Aims To Replace Balls With Zyro

Zyro Kickstarter - Image Credit: Kickstarter

The system, which includes the drone and a wand, costs around $449. A package composed of a single drone, a wand and four remotes is also available for interested consumers. Among the rewards offered for the Zyro Kickstarter is a developer package that includes four wands and is priced at $2,499.

Posted by on Tuesday February 24 2015, 10:33 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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