Technology Investment Priorities in Australian Mining, 2016 – New Report Published

This report provides a detailed analysis of investment intentions across different areas of technology in the Australian mining sector. The analysis is based upon survey of 100 mine, general, maintenance, and procurement managers, including other mine-site and corporate decision-makers.
The focus is on what technologies respondents currently have and in which technology they plan to invest over the next two years.

Areas of analysis include:
- Mining companies’ intentions for investments in the coming two years, across a range of mine-site technologies including UAVs/drones, remote control/machine automation, real-time video training, collision avoidance/proximity detection, energy management and predictive maintenance
- Comparisons of investment intentions across segments, including four commodity groups, three mine types, five mine-size categories and company revenues
- Comparisons highlighting differences between current and prospective investments in three major states: Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales
- Specific insight into the software platforms each mine site is using for five different departments, with details of market leaders and software products
- Comparison of the penetration of technologies in 2014, illustrating those that have seen the greatest increase in investment

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Report Summary

Overall trends in the data revealed:
- The primary technologies expected to see the greatest increases in penetration over the next two years are UAVs/drones, remote control/machine automation, real time video training and collision avoidance/proximity detection.
- 80% of respondents have already invested in collision avoidance, scheduling and shift optimization, tire monitoring, predictive maintenance, fleet management and environmental monitoring technology.
- UAVs/drones have the least penetration of the technologies with only 41% currently invested. This was followed by real time video training with 46% of respondents invested.
- The greatest increase in penetration over the last two years has been in collision avoidance technologies, with expectations in 2014 survey far exceeded. Fleet management, tyre monitoring and fatigue management technologies were other fields that also exceeded investment expectations from previous survey in 2014.
- Markets expected to have the greatest increases in technology penetration over the next 2 years are expected in Queensland and within the base and precious metals sectors.
- A bigger share of larger companies with revenues above US$10 billion, and the smallest, those with revenues below US$100 million, are planning investments than any other company size.
- Vulcan is the most used software, nominated by 32% of the respondents. This was followed by Surpac with 16% and Xpac with 13%.

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Report Scope

The report is based on responses from a survey of 100 senior decision makers at operating Australian mines, responsible for the purchase of equipment for plant and mine operations, and consumables.

Survey respondents came from seven different states and territories, with Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales covering 88% of respondents.

This included four main commodity groups and a range of surface and underground mining operations.

Reason to Buy

- Understand which technologies have attracted, and are attracting, the most investment, and how this varies by commodity group, mine type, global company revenue and state.
- Target the segments with the greatest opportunity for technology products and services.
- Segment the market according to those fully invested, and those planning to make new investments in each technology.

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Posted by on Thursday February 25 2016, 10:32 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Uncategorized. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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