Teen Miraculously Survives Bear Attack

Teen Miraculously Survives Bear Attack

Anchorage, Alaska — A group of seven students was in the Talkeeta Mountains in Alaska for a survival training course with duration of 30 days. One of the trainings the students will learn is how to escape safely and survive during a bear encounter in the forest.

Students were taught to play dead during a grizzly bear encounter while at they are having their excursion at the wilderness in Alaska. But during the actual encounter, instead of applying what they’ve learned during the survival course, the students, like many others will do: They ran swiftly. The bear attacked the students and critically injuring some of them. The survival course is nearing its end when the attack happened.

For Sam Gottsegen, 17 year old, it was a nightmare for him when the bear started attacking him, giving him severe injuries. He never thought he would survive the attack.

Four students were seriously wounded and injured including Gottsegen. When the students heard and saw the bear, they followed their natural instincts that almost killed them all.

The incident should have been a good test for the seven students to apply their newly learned survival skills especially without an adult around. Playing dead was actually part of the training.

The bear was very aggressive because it was with her cub, the authorities believed. But on the contrary, the students said they never saw a cub on site.

Posted by on Wednesday July 27 2011, 11:30 AM EDT. Ref: Google news. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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