Texas Principal Accused of Planting Hidden Camera in Locker Room

Texas Principal Accused of Planting Hidden Camera in Locker Room

Texas Principal Accused of Planting Hidden Camera in Locker Room

A female Texas principal is under fiery investigation after she allegedly placed a hidden camera in the locker room of a high school basketball team.

Prosecutors say Wendee Long, a principal at Wayside Middle School in Fort Worth, installed the camera to pry how her daughters' new coach talked to the team after they complained to their mother the coach yelled too much.

Prosecutors say that Long's daughter, 17, smuggled the camera into the locker room and hid it. Fortunately, the daughter is not facing any charges and authorities say the camera didn't record any misconduct.

Long was arrested Monday and faces charges of wiretapping. If convicted, she could face 20 years in prison or a $25,000 fine. Long was released Tuesday on a $25,000 bond.

"The intent is to invade someone's privacy," Denton County Assistant District Attorney Jamie Beck said.

Long was caught after someone anonymously sent the video to the superintendent and several board members.

Long, 46, has been the principal at Wayside Middle School for five years in the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw district.  A district representative told WFAA that she has been placed on paid administrative leave and the school district will conduct its own investigation.

Long's attorney, Daniel Peugh, said he is surprised and disappointed by the charges and contests no laws were broken.

"She has not violated any law," Peugh wrote in a statement to WFAA. "We do not believe anything has taken place that should involve the justice system."








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