The Baltimore Ravens Praised At White House

The Baltimore Ravens Praised At White House

The Baltimore Ravens Praised At White House

President Barack Obama praised the Baltimore Ravens during a ceremony at the White House for the commitment and courage showed on the field last season, qualities that made them Super Bowl XLVII champions.

The ceremony took place on the South Lawn of the White House and saw the group that made the win possible, reunited. Some players retired while others, like Ed Reed, transferred to other teams yet all where present to celebrate the second Super Bowl win in the team’s history with the U.S. President.

Obama praised their resilience, as during the entire season they suffered injury after injury only to come out on top.

The President who was wearing a grey suit and a purple tie gave the players and their coach John Harbaugh a tour of the White House while joking with start quarterback Joe Flacco about how his recent accomplishments could make him a possible replacement for vice president Joe Biden as the most popular person in Delaware.

President Obama continued the light hearted talks and praised current Houston player Ed Reed for the full page ad he took in the Baltimore Sun to thank Raven fans before he left the organization. Obama called his move a “class act”.

President Barack Obama also praised the way the Baltimore Ravens are giving back to their community and said that it is another proof of the connection the team has to their city.

Posted by on Thursday June 06 2013, 2:41 AM EDT. Ref: Baltimore Sun. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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