The Best Weight Loss Tips for Kids

The Best Weight Loss Tips for Kids

The Best Weight Loss Tips for Kids

As a parent, the way we eat and the things we do can have a huge impact on the health and wellness of our children; with this in mind it's important to set a good example and do what we can to raise them up healthy and loving of fitness. After all fitness is by no means a bad thing, it promotes good habits and increases our quality of life. By following the tips below you will be able to show your children just how good fitness can be.

  1. Do Be a Good Role Model and Be Positive

The first step in getting your children involved in fitness it to be a positive role model. Don't talk about the disadvantages of fitness i.e. don't say it's hard, or takes up a lot of time as this will discourage them. Instead talk about how great it is to make progress in the gym and achieve the goals that you have set; don't just talk about this however, actually do it as actions speak much louder than words.

  1. Do Make Healthy Eating a Family Affair

It's important to teach your children healthy eating habits as this is something which they will most probably carry through into the rest of their lives. I'm sure we all understand that our nutrition is a key factor in whether we gain weight or lose it and it's even more important than exercise.

  1. Do Avoid Portion Distortion

When choosing which foods we should implement into our diet it's important to take the nutritional value of the food into account. This simply means that we should be careful when looking for the calories, protein, carbs, and fat content of the food we eat and understand that the portion sizes listed on the label might not be the portion sizes we consume.

  1. Do Start the Day off Right with a Good Breakfast

Having a healthy breakfast is definitely the right way to start the day and it provides the body with necessary nutrients after not eating in the night. These nutrients are important for all of our body functions and eating breakfast also promotes good habits.

  1. Do Pack a Nutritious Lunch for Schoolchildren

It's no use eating as healthy as possible at home if your child isn't also eating healthy foods at school, this will just negate your efforts of trying to set them on the right path. With this in mind, make sure to pack a nutritious lunch for your child; you might want to start off slow and gradually add foods which they like.

  1. Do Rise to the Challenge

Having a lifestyle revolved around health and fitness can be tiresome and many of us may not perform as much activity as we should; it's easy to say that we'll do something tomorrow but this sets a bad example to our children.

  1. Do Make Time for Physical Activity

In addition to the above, it's important that you make time for physical activity and make it an everyday part of your child's life, even if this is only 30 minutes of planned exercise a day – it could even be something that is low intensity such as jogging or riding a bike.

  1. Do Think outside the Box

When it comes to physical activity and nutrition things can often get boring as we are repeating the same processes every day, we adults realize that we are doing this to achieve a goal though so it's not to bothersome. Children don't understand this and so they can get bored very easily, this is why it's important to switch things up.

  1. Don't Count Calories

It's important that you don't count calories with your children – by all means it's okay for you to count calories but for your child this may make it seem like a chore. Instead you should allow them to eat enough food to fill them up but restrict the food to only healthy types.

  1. Don't Say Diet

When forming healthy eating habits for your children it's important to stay away from the word 'diet' doing this automatically causes reluctance and can definitely make your child think twice about what they're doing – no one likes to diet.

  1. Don't Take Supplements

Lastly, it's important not to take supplements around your children and not to implement these into their diet. Not only are supplements dangerous to children but they can also put across a message that there is a shortcut, and this isn't the right thing to do.


In conclusion, there are multitudes of ways in which one can implement best and most effective diet trends and exercise habits for their children. Make sure to follow the tips outlined above as this will form good habits for you children in the coming years and will greatly affect the rest of their lives.

Keep Reading to find out more about Top 10 diet trends in 2014:

Posted by on Saturday September 20 2014, 2:09 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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